Wappler 5.4.1 Released

Wappler 5.4.1 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 5.4.1 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What's New

Huge amount of improvements this week! On the mobile development side with Framework7, we have implemented many of its native components as App Connect components and flow actions. So now you can access them in Wappler in the same way as you are used to other components. See for example how easy it is to build a “Pull To Refresh” functionality Adding Pull To Refresh Functionality to your Mobile Apps in Framework 7

Furthermore we have great updates for the Swiper component, bringing it to the latest version and making it much more easy to style. Also the Tagify components is update to pinpoint the exact version on CDN that we support to avoid future conflicts.

Another big improvement is now on the Mac area where we have greatly improved the automatic installation of required components and tools. Now everything is smoothly installed, safe and secure.

Next week we will be taking a short break as it is time for team-building week, so we will resume updates the week after that.

Project Manager

  • Prohibit changing to document relative links in NodeJS. Only site root relative links should be always used there.


  • Improved MacOS component installer to work better with Homebrew so that some components do not get quarantined in the latest MacOS Ventura
  • Improved extensions installation. Improved cleanup and allow to require a minimum Wappler version.
    Updated extensions info

Design View

  • Improve rendering of content pages in mobile apps

Resource manager

  • Improved managing of global docker services. Now you can start, stop, restart or kill global docker services per server

Framework 7 components

  • Implemented many Framework7 components as native App Connect components. Now you can use Actions Modals, Chart, Gauge, Messages, Notofications, Photo Browser, Pull To Refres and many otehrs as native App Connect components and add dynamic attributes and events to them
  • Implemented many global Framework 7 actions as App Connect Flow actions for controlling Framework7 dialogs, alers, toasts and preloader

App Connect Tagify

  • Updated Tagify to work with the latest version 4.17.7
  • Automatically update include links on page save, to be fixed to the version 4.17.7 to prevent future breaks.

App Connect Swiper

  • Updated swiper to use latest version 9.0.3
  • Added new effect cards
  • Add new theming options based on css variables and remove the old theming. Include files will be auto cleaned, you only need to choose your new colors now on the swiper properties.
  • Added new options for Dynamic Bullets and Rewind
  • Note this update requires Wappler 5.4.1

Fixed issues