Help Git Manager in Wappler 5.4.0 does not push local repo to GutHub

Hi All,

I know this may have been a possible labored topic already but I just can’t seem to get the Git Manager to push to my remote Github repo not even a brand new project.

I’ve followed the videos and the official docs and still nothing.

Any help will be appreciated.

Have you connected to GitHub and what does it happen when you push to the GitHub repo?

Hi @George,

The popup indicating that it’s pushing the files to my GitHub repo shows then disappears after a few seconds but nothing is copied to the remote target.

After some checking and then trying the GitHub desktop app, when I tried to push the files from there I received a message that commits could not happen because the email I was using was set as private. So after I disabled that then I was able to push via Wappler.

Perhaps if the GitHub API provides more descriptive errors, those errors can be passed on via Wappler so Wappler users get the errors as they occur? Is that a suggestion I can perh

Fixed in Wappler 5.4.1

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