How to install electron on Mac OS

Would like to try electron to replace an app I had built in excel which has now crashed because the client has updated to 64 bit from 32 bit versions of excel.

When attempting to install electron however the OS is blocking some of the npm files. See the error below:

Is there away to get around this?

Please disregard…found solution.
Using sudo spctl --master-disable
Disables gatekeeper.

Yep, on your Mac, go to

System Preferences --> Security and Privacy and allow the app.

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Apple quarantine issue, again

Open a Github ticket with brew maybe (it’s funny though it says it was downloaded by Wappler and not brew)

The downloaded attribute has to be removed for all files

And the solution this user did, it’s not a solution, it’s a non-recommended workaround that disables a MacOS safety feature

How did you installed NodeJS on your Mac?

Also how are your installing Electron as well?

I got around the issue mentioned earlier. but have a few others…

After making changes to the index file they never update in electron builds. The electron build always shows the original page. It works as expected with the web view. This issue of not updating happens with both framework7 and bootstrap.

Also the package.json file does not update after making changes to project settings. Like app name, version etc.

Installed electron via wappler
Had installed nodejs previously via npm

Hi brad this didn’t work the above popup showed but the option to allow in settings only showed “after” hitting either move to trash or cancel, which causes the install to fail.

This command in the terminal did help, I will just reactivate when finished.
sudo spctl --master-disable

I know its not a recommended workaround but there was seemingly no way around it.

That’s understandable! I just wanted to make it clear so others don’t blindly follow the advice :slight_smile:

I’ve experienced a similar issue once, I don’t recall the exact steps I followed but it wasn’t fun. It involved running the xattr command for every file related to NodeJS

Glad you got it running it for the time being, so you can keep working :slight_smile:

Fixed in Wappler 5.4.1

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