Unable to install Stripe CLI

Wappler: 5.2.2
OS: MacOS Intel
Server: PHP/MySQL

I’m trying to go through the Stripe Webhooks tutorial (Getting Started with Stripe Webhooks) but it failed to install the CLI and now just keeps giving me this every time I try to test a webhook:

Checking Stripe CLI installation and version...
zsh:1: command not found: stripe
Stripe CLI is missing!
Mac Homebrew is correctly installed.

Installing Stripe CLI ...
zsh:1: command not found: brew
Stripe CLI installation failed!

How can I remove and start again?

Make sure homebrew is installed first from https://brew.sh

But it says Mac Homebrew is correctly installed?

OK, I’ve installed homebrew and tried the Stripe CLI again but I get this:

How can I override that?

Did you fully quit and restarted Wappler after you installed homebrew?

You can also install stripe CLI manually as described in:


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I installed it manually via the Mac terminal and it was fine.

Fixed in Wappler 5.4.1

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