Wappler 5.1.1 Released

Wappler 5.1.1 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 5.1.1 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Another great stability and improvements update for you this week!

We have improved event more the App Structure panel to be faster and have much more accurate selection after inserting various components.
The Bootstrap 5 badges and other previously inline components now appear as nested components for much better management.

Furthermore now we have global options to use or not the new quick menus in the App properties and design view, so you can choose what suits you more.

And last but not least we have fixed huge amount of issues reported in out community.

Mobile Projects

  • Correctly mark new mobile projects as such and not node alike projects
  • Automatically fix wrongly marked mobile projects as node alike when editing and saving the mobile project options

Pages Manager

  • Improved refreshing of pages display to be more performant in general and more reliable on Mac
  • Optimized refreshing for Pages Manager further to be done only if the panel was visible

Design View

  • Improved rendering of content pages bound to a head page


  • Added global Wappler options to use or now the quick menu’s for inserting attributes in the property panels and in design view for inserting elements
  • Show all available items in design view insert panel when the quick menu is disabled
  • Improved theme detecting and handling when the main window is not open
  • Improved child windows close clean up

App Structure Panel

  • Improved selection after insert or position change of inline elements like badges or icons
  • Improved also speed of property changes and refresh
  • Improved speed, reliability and selection retaining when performing component actions like insert, duplicate, move and delete

App Connect Sockets

  • Added new property for Remote URL that can contain the full url to the remote Server Connect API site. Usually useful for mobile projects that use a remote API for as data source

Server Connect

  • Improved editor in tabs to mark the action as dirty on move or copying action steps
  • Improved renaming of library actions to also rename the action already open in a tab editor

Flows Editor

  • Improved stability of refreshing after edit in popup

Bootstrap 5

  • Improved muted text tag to be part of headings, but also available separately for adding dynamic attributes
  • Improved linked badge to contain also position within parent
  • Improved inserting of inline badges, spinners, muted text and font awesome icons. Now those are available as separate children elements and are also show in the App Structure tree as separate children, so can be easily managed and also their dynamic attributes better manageable.

Data Pickers

  • Fixed ternary operators with strings


  • Updated NodeJS to version 16 for all new projects and also use the latest Debian 11 Bullseye for all new Docker based NodeJS projects

Frameworks Dialog

  • Fixed icons now showing in list view for Bootstrap themes

Fixed issues