Wappler 5.3.2 Released

Wappler 5.3.2 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 5.3.2 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

And we are back from the holidays all rested well and busy with new features and improvements!

We have lots of bug fixes, stability improvements and extension updates for you this week.
Also great improvements to the Database Manager to retain any pending schema changes even after project change or Wappler restarts. The JSON fields support and their schema in the database Manager has been greatly improved.

We are also preparing for more CouchDB and PouchDB support that we will be adding soon, see: It's coming soon - Couch and Pouch DB integration product teaser

Database Manager

  • Improved Database Manager to keep changes even if Wappler is restarted, so you can continue on adding and editing fields without saving them as “change” first
  • Allow adding JSON fields with sub schema directly on new fields
  • Remove editing state after forcing field or table schema reload
  • Improved keeping schema changes for Postgres as well with multi schema support
  • Automatically show the number of pending changes in the toolbar based on the selection of the database connection
  • Refreshing a table object schema will throw away all pending changes now for it.
  • Implement also temporally storing of new sub tables and multi references, so those are also available even if not committed yet, after Wappler restart or project change
  • Improved temporally storing of multi references and their relations

Database Connector

  • Fixed Classic ASP and MSSQL Server support to work without sub tables support as it is not supported in Classic ASP

Server Connect

  • Improved creating library actions in sub folders
  • Improved creation of nested sub folders library actions
  • Added Max Iteration option to the While Action to prevent endless loops. Defaults to maximum integer value (depends on system/language). While loop will break when max iterations is reached.
  • Added the specific action name to run to the display of the Exec action.
  • Make the name optional of the exec action, so that not always new scope is created
  • Remove the requirement to the name of the Set Value action, so it can run with global name only
  • Make global set value keys pickable
  • Improved creating library actions in sub folders
  • Improved creation of nested sub folders library actions

App Connect

  • Improved the actions picker within flows when used in inline flows and page flows

App Connect Flows

  • Improved the actions picker within flows when used in page flows as well

S3 Connector

  • Added option Strip Key Path to S3 getFile action.

App Connect Lightbox

  • Now you can set the media type, to be specific like image or video when it can not be autodetected from the url
  • Defaults now to image when no type is set and url didn’t detect a type


  • Add a new global Wappler system option to Auto Show the Project Updater or not if any assets are available

App Connect Formatters

  • Improved the substring formatter to support negative start and end

Fixed issues