Show Exec Name in Steps List

in the Steps List (left side list on image above), we can see exec then the name of the library action AddUpdateLog but cannot see the name of the Step itself - in above image it is UpdateLog.

It would be nice to be able to see the name of the Step in the list as well along with the Workflow Name.

in this case as you can see we have 2 Exec Steps of the same Library WF - which is used for logging.

Also, rename to Action to Workflow please.

bump - showing the name (instead of/in addition to the path being called) would still be super handy. I currently have to rely on comments (which add extra lines to the UI) to tell which is which.


It is also an issue in the data bindings picker where you can only view/search for the path rather than the name - telling which is which is tricky and prone to error. It is possibly more of an issue because you can’t see the comments to help identify them

Added in Wappler 5.3.2

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