Bug: library server action - lost everything

Wappler 5.3.1

Weird bug again with library actions. I created a library action in a folder. However after refreshing the list, it shows up in another folder (main folder).

Here is a screenshot BEFORE refreshing the list 2023.01.13  19.58 - 5399 - Iberianbarbel

After refresh it shows up here:

How it happened:

  1. Right clicked on a folder and created new server action

  2. refresh list

  3. Server action moved to the main folder

  4. That server action is EMPTY - all my progress is lost\

I saw it coming, as I couldn’t see the server action in my file system. So I took a screenshot of the contents so I can rebuild it quicker. You can see it as proof that there was something…:

This is a bit frustrating as I just lost everything that I did here… I also can’t find it in git, so it really must’ve overwritten the file.
I have saved the file numerous times and debugged in the browser. So it definitely was saving.

I see this regularly. You’ve got to be very careful when creating library actions. It’s not an issue with API versions.

My advice is to create it, save it, add some parame, save it, close it, refresh the view -'if you see duplicates, delete everything, including the folder, refresh the view and start again.

Don’t take any chances as you will lose hours of work otherwise. It’s cost me hours of time this past 2 years.

Once they’re created and running, they’re fine usually.

Without reporting the exact steps and explaining what you “see regularly” we can’t really fix this, as we’re not aware of this happening…

I’ve mentioned this for years. I just suck it up, expect the worst, and work around it

I’ve never actually seen any detailed bug report about this posted by you :thinking:

I’ve said many times before, I don’t do detailed bug reports. There’s a lot of issues and I’d get very little work done if I did. That’s surely an internal process for Wappler with testing teams and automated test processes …

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Are you sure you didn’t just drag the server action file to the main folder?

I can’t imagine a scenario that it gets moved by itself.

Could you try to recreate the issue with exactly the same steps to confirm it happens every time?

100% Sure I didn’t drag it in there.
I took this screenshot before refreshing the list… I couldn’t open the code view / find it using windows explorer. So I duplicated the server action (see the _copy ) and then started writing a bug report.

I refreshed the list and the server action disappeared. So I thought it was completely removed. Then later I saw it is in the main folder, but empty.

This hasn’t happened to me before.
I just tried it again and can’t reproduce it right now.

It’s very weird, but reminds me of this post:

The fact that at least me and @scalaris frequently have issues with this seems like there must be something going on.

Sadly I don’t know exactly how to reproduce, but there must be something happening that I don’t realise.

And now I’m reading this post from Scalaris again: I did switch target while working on this library action. This is something that I usually haven’t done. So perhaps that has something to do with it. I’ll try test a bit more…

EDIT: I can replicate the issue from Scalaris, and perhaps that also caused the issues in OP.

To replicate:

  1. Create a server action in a folder:
  2. Set a value image
  3. Change target
  4. Save server action (in the different target)
  5. refresh list
  6. Server action is now in the main folder
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Well we do need a 100% reproducible steps to be able to fix it.

Things indeed that could effect the actions are in ge current selection in the server connect tree, the edited action in the tabs, is it saved or nor.

Btw you can also see the exact server action path when you hover of the tab in the editor, so use that to check.

Try the steps of my latest comment, it should help you fix that bug at least. With some luck that bug also caused this bug :slight_smile:

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Will investigate

Some extra info…

Since this bug I haven’t restarted my PC, not sure if I restarted wappler.

I just recreated the server action:

Note that the $PARAM is empty.
Note that the server action is saved.

Now please see the text on this screenshot:

If you now refresh this view (using refresh icon) you will most likely see two library actions with similar names (_copy) and the copy is the one it recognises in the API.

That’s my usual experience

Found the problem finally!

There was indeed a bug when inserting new Library actions in nested sub folders (when called from the context menu of other library action) , also creating nested sub folders as well.

So this will solve all library action problems. Will be solved in the net update.



Just checking: this also fixes the issue created when switching targets?Bug: library server action - lost everything

Fixed in Wappler 5.3.2

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