URL Not Supported (Lightbox)

We keep seeing URL Not Supported using Lightbox with a Dynamic Source. The images are located in sub directories under the unique reference for each item, therefore the source is similar to the following (also in a Repeat):


Any work-around or suggestions welcome as always.

Thank you in advance.


This UID is 62 characters in length, could this be the culprit?

*Edit: I changed the UID to 32 characters and the issue persists.

I had the same issue when using the lightbox. I can’t remember exacty what the problem was - perhaps I was usign curly brackets too. Anyway, it works now - eg like this:

dmx-bind:src="'img-detail/jpegs/' + img_filename"

Thanks Tom but that did not alleviate the issue unfortunately.

The error is not coming from the img src. The lightbox is called from the <a> tag surrounding the image.

@Dave can you provide an example of how the rendered URL looks like?

Here you go Teodor:


. ./BLAH/UploadsBlahFiles/BlahMedia/assets/{{blahUID}}/images/{{medFile}}

*I know there is a space between the periods above, forum replaces two with three! :wink:

Thanks for your time.

Thanks Dave,
I’ll try to recreate this locally and test.

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I am having the same issue. Was there a solution for this?

You need an <a> tag surrounding your image with a hrefor dynamic dmx-bind:href attribute, pointing to the image file, then call the lightbox from this <a> tag …

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Hi @Teodor,

I’m missing something, could you please help me by pointing out the problem?

I get the “Url not supported” error for this:

<a href="https://fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com/tdhs3/published_projects/3347/2_6034e1ad.123767ff_d83bfae37a0c94d97ceebc2f52c0e20a1be72c6f.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=TATIVKLUB7HQKRDNIUQ6%2F20210625%2Ffra1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210625T183126Z&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9c9cf681b59e8d9d9f025ac439a9e32286173e392f8d8140adca24b96d254601"

Same problem when I try a dynamic source (same style URL):

<a dmx-bind:href="signDownloadUrl" target="_blank" dmx-lightbox:lightbox_showcase=""><img dmx-bind:src="signDownloadUrl" class="rounded img-fluid"></a>

(The main goal is to use the dynamic version)


@borbinka2 did it work for you, I am using the same way you mentioned, but it is not working for me.

With the latest changes, the url will not work unless there is a file extension specified.

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This has been improved in Wappler 5.3.2
The code has been updated to default to images when it can’t detect the type. You can also override the detection by selecting a content type in Lightbox UI. Currently image and video are supported types.

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