I’m trying to use Google photos with lightbox but I’m getting an error URL Not Supported. Interestingly I can click on that link and it takes me to the image.
I though it probably has something to do with - Lightbox Not Working With v5 Update and there not being file extensions on the google photo urls as I added .jpg to the end of the urls and the lightbox came up but with just a spinner going round and round.
Not really my area of expertise but it looks like the lightbox .js checks for a valid file type. The google url has no file type.
I wonder if a dummy parameter at the end if the url could trick it without breaking the link I.e. append something like f=.jpg to the end of the google url?
I’ve updated the code to default to image when it can’t detect the type. You can also override the detection by adding the type as an attribute data-type="image". Currently image and video are supported types. Video will create a video element, so must point to an actual video file and not youtube.