Wappler 5.4.0 Released

Wappler 5.4.0 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 5.4.0 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What's New

Great major Wappler update for you this week! We have fully implemented the latest Framework7 version 7 in Wappler so you can build powerful mobile apps.

Git Manager has a lot of improvements and also more close cooperation with the Database Manager, so when doing any git reverts or older checkouts, you can now choose to also revert your development database to exact same state!

Also a lot of improvements went into the Database Manager, so editing database schemas is even more easier than ever with more options for primary key defaults and improved Table Editor in tabs.

Database Manager

  • Allow the table data editor in tab to edit new not applied tables data. It is then used as initial seed table data and stored as change next to the table schema.
  • When refreshing table schema and there is an open editor for table data in tab - refresh it as well.
  • Improve generation of seed table data when editing in tab editor
  • Implement editing table data of multi reference tables and tables without primary keys
  • Improved automatic table selection in the Database Manager tree when the table is being edited in tab, when using Postgres
  • When editing UUID fields - add an icon to quickly generate a new UUID
  • Improved the design time edit of new tables data, to apply it now directly as changes
  • Automatically select the table, even nested tables like sub tables and multi references, in the database tree when its being edited in tab and the tab gets focus. Even scroll in view if it is below.
  • Add new global option for default primary key type. Now you can choose the default primary key ti be increments, bigIncrements or UUID.
  • The default primary key type can be also set per database connection.
  • Improve editing to ignore empty edits in the table data editor

Git Manager

  • Improved working with new main branch instead of master. The default branch is now automatically detected.
  • Improved working with database migrations. Now on revert or checkout, database changes are automatically reverted if needed, so that database is returned to the state of the checkout.
  • Improved revert of merge changes
  • Also implement database migrations with reset commit
  • Improved Database Manager panel refreshing after reverting or checking out in the Git manager
  • If database is changed and has new migrations when checking out a commit, switching branches, revert or reset to commit, then ask to apply latest database migrations
  • When trying to delete the currently active branch, show alert about this.

Framework 7

  • Add new major Framework7 version 7.1.14
  • Updated Framework7 Version 6 to the latest 6.3.17
  • Fixed the side menu generation code


  • Improve popup styling and also panel titles alignment
  • Clarified the Digital Ocean signup cloud credit that it is now $200

Design View

  • Improved rendering of Framework7 content pages when placed in sub folders
  • Automatic head include from the main page on content pages is no longer experimental, fully available now


  • Fixes nested sub tables generated errors in database connector

Capacitor SQLite Connector

  • Renamed the database actions to had Capacitor SQLite as title prefix and not generic Database only as they are only for Capacitor indeed.
  • Make all the Capacitor SQLite actions dependent from Capacitor, so will show only if Capacitor is used.
  • Fixed typo in capacitor SQlite flow rules for the update action

Fixed issues