Stupid Framework7/Wappler question: how to add pages in subfolders?

I am the guy who loves tidy projects, so I created for a PoC the following structure:

When I add a page to the root of the project…

…Wappler displays the page and it’s content as expected:
CleanShot 2023-01-30 at 13.04.09

But when I add the pages in one of my subfolders, it content is shown as a plain unstyled html page:
CleanShot 2023-01-30 at 13.01.46

The route looks ok for me:
CleanShot 2023-01-30 at 13.36.17

The page content looks like this:

So I was thinking that the reference to the head-page is not working, but changes to the path to the head page seems not to work/have any effect? :thinking:
CleanShot 2023-01-30 at 13.33.11

When linking to that page and previewing the project (not the page) in the browser, its shown correctly.

(The Framework7 Kitchensink has the same issue, but I was hoping, it’s because of an oudated support?)


Tried a couple of things now, spend a couple of hours in the forum, but I can’t get the visual editor working for Framework7 content pages in subfolders.

It must be something simple, maybe @mebeingken or @bpj for the rescue?

Can’t say I get any further than you - although it does render correctly in the browser once built.

I am also having difficulty seeing the page without AppConnect enabled which then, unfortunately, runs page protection redirects. I think the Wappler team might need to make a couple of tweaks for F7. If @george is planning to update the F7 version, maybe these could be looked at too…

Pretty sure I miss something, I can’t believe that we cant organize our files in folders :wink:

I just came across the same issue, because I thought I just wrecked the page somehow and started from scratch, with the result that my project no longer runs in preview and visual design is not available in App Connect.

Fixed in Wappler 5.4

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