Wappler 3.8.1 Released

Wappler 3.8.1 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

In this Wappler update we have implemented a huge update of our Database Manager.
Now any database schema is loaded fully on demand, so no delays or long loaders will occur, no matter how big your database is.
A lot of UI improvements are also implemented to make using Database Manager really a breeze even on databases with thousands of tables.
Furthermore we have implemented that database schema’s or loaded also through the web server, for databases where you don’t have a direct access to.

Database Manager

  • Load database schema fully on demand! Now your can easily access databases with thousands of tables without any delay! Only the needed tables will be fetched!
  • Show tables and views that haven’t being loaded yet with gray icon
  • Smart load tables and view schema fully on demand - also in the Database Connector & Updater
  • Improved the loading schema progress message to be short and quick - now that everything is loaded on demand
  • Add new option to the context menu to force refresh schema of a table, view or whole database
  • Allow database schema edits only on local development targets
  • Greatly improved loading and refreshing speed and the database connection schema, do smart refreshes now.
  • Improved the speed of the search in the database manager panel
  • Add caching of the database schema, so it doesn’t load from disk each time.
  • When defining reference fields, now also load the reference table fields on demand if not yet loaded
  • Prohibit editing Database Connections created by the Docker targets - those should be edited in the target options
  • Restrict also the table data edit and seed creation to database connections with direct connection
  • Do not store any schema metadata any longer in the database connections files, Database Manager takes care of that now
  • If database structure edits are not allowed, like on remote targets, disable the fields properties in the properties panel
  • Keep the database schema cached - even if the database connection isn’t available
  • Implemented F5 shortcut key for quick refresh of the selection, like single table or view
  • Load each database connection on demand only when expanded
  • Refresh schema (F5) on the Database Connection Name results in refreshing the tables and views list only
  • Refresh schema on a table or view - refreshes the schema for this table or view only
  • Improved adding new connections, now the Server Connect connection is auto created and new connection is directly is selected and refreshed in the tree
  • Implemented smart refresh of the database schema edits or after applying or reverting changes
  • Implement database schema fallback where no direct connection can be established, then the web server connection is used. It is however view only so you won’t be able to edit the database schema in Wappler
  • Improved refreshing of non-direct database connections
  • Prohibit editing database schema when non-direct database connections are used
  • Refresh Database Manager now directly after changing the “Direct Connection” option on a Server Connect Database Connection
  • Use the tree inline loading progress also for non-direct connections
  • Improve MS SQL Server schema fetching
  • Correctly handles MS SQL Server specific type uniqueidentifier as of type text

Database Custom Query

  • Remake the database schema tree to load fully on demand and styled it in the database manager style
  • Improved code autocomplete to show the used tables and their columns

Server Connect - Database Connector

  • Use the new on demand database schema fetching
  • Added new option in Server Connect Database Connection to auto generate an Wappler Direct Connection based on the same credentials. If choosen a direct connection for the Database Manager will be created, otherwise website fallback will be used, for PHP, ASP and ASP.NET
  • When auto generating direct connection use the website URL as host when localhost is specified in server connect

Server Connect

  • Improved parsing in PHP for single include actions


  • Add Server Port option for the NodeJS server. Can be edited in the Server Connect options.

NodeJS Routing

  • Improved Security Provider restriction on partial views and redirect to main page

Docker Machine

  • Fixed the Hetzner data center locations for server creation

Git Manager

  • Added .DS_Store to gitignore

App Connect

  • Optimized rendering of complex components, like Summernote


  • Improved sockets working when server is remote or when using full path

App Connect Download

  • Improved getting filename from url/header

App Connect Date Picker

  • Updated datepicker for latest changes with App Connect

Bootstrap 4 Table Generator

  • Improved UI


  • Improved styling and animation of the tree loading icon on all the tree based UI
  • Improved file management and save as handling

Bug Fixes