Wappler 6.7.1 Released

Wappler 6.7.1 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 6.7.1 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What's New

In this Wappler update we have enhanced the Leaflet Maps even further with great looking marker icons based on Font Awesome and Bootstrap Icons.
So now you can easily choose the perfect icon for your markers from the vast library of Font Awesome and Bootstrap Icons.
See Using Leaflet Maps for more info.

We have also improved the conditional rendering depending on the active theme in the Bootstrap 5 Theme Manager, so you can now easily show or hide elements based on the active theme.
See Using Bootstrap 5 Dark Mode for more info.

We have greatly improved the Resource Manager for working with Cloud Servers and SSH Keys. Now you can fully manager the SSH Keys per server and authorize or revoke them as needed.

The rate Limitting in NodeJS is now also improved greatly as you can now define custom rate limiter instances in server connect and restrict only those. You can also define separate Rate Limit instances on global level and restrict only those.
See Rate Limiting for more info.

Further more many extensions have been updated and improved, so you can enjoy a more stable and reliable Wappler experience.

We will be tacking a small break now for two weeks and will be back with more great updates and features for you!

Resource Manager

  • Improved authorizing SSH Keys for a Server. Now you can choose to add local or provider keys
  • Improved the select SSH key UI when switching between user or project keys
  • Improved authorizing directly provider registered keys that might not be available locally
  • Show the authorized keys directly now on server import or create
  • Use the available SSH Agent keys for new imports
  • Disallow to revoke the last key to the server as you can loose access


  • Always force install all channel extensions on switch

Pages Manager

  • Improved the page thumbnails styling

Server Connect

  • Added also direct edit icon of the server action in tab for Server Connect Form
  • Added also direct edit for all Server Connect actions in the app root Server Side Data in NodeJS
  • tryCatch action should only set error message string in $_ERROR variable.
  • Show and allow edit of Rate Limiters in the global scope
  • Show Rate Limiters only for NodeJS


  • Allow custom rate limiter instances in server connect. Now you can define separate Rate Limit instances on global level and restrict only those.
  • Updated consume action for custom instances and new options for response status/message
  • Fixed CSRF endpoints got stuck in pending state (CSRF-Enabled API Calls Stuck in Pending State)
  • Added the extra rate limiting extra options status and message to the consume action
  • Improved the choice for the rate limiter to use. Default is the global one if enabled
  • Show the rate limiter instance in the step info

Project Settings

  • Fixed extensions instalation in project settings when database manager was not opened before
  • Fix lossing ftp passwords when users saves the project options

Docker targets

  • Added more options for NodeJS deploy with Docker. Now you can choose to use the LTS or Latest version as well As OS debian Boowarm or just the latest debian
  • Changed the defaults for new projects to use Node LTS and Alpine as os for the best performance and smaller image size

Wappler Local PHP Server

  • Bind the PHP Server to so it listens to all local IPs and preview is available on local network

Database Updater

  • Explicit typecast record to object (depending on the source it can be an array and needs to be casted) in PHP

Server Connect Global Options

  • Hide the tabs for CSRF, Rate Limiting, Sessions and Redis for PHP as they don't apply there

App Connect Leflet Maps 1.0.3

  • Added support for icons in markers. You can now use any Font Awesome or Bootstrap Icons as marker icons.
  • Improved defaults for latitude/longitude/zoom
  • Added fitMarkers method

App Connect Dropzone 2.0.4

  • Added image resize options to dropzone
  • Allowed more direct dropzone insert on Bootstrap 5 forms

App Connect 2.0.10

  • improved API form json handling

App Connect Masonry 2.0.2

  • Add user defined breakpoint sizes. Even dynamic values can be used
  • Added also the new XXL sizes for Coluimns and Gutter

Bootstrap 5 Alerts, Modals and Offcanvas

  • Updated components to include a "visible" data property for conditional checking of the state

Bootstrap 5 Theme Manager

  • Added active and detected data values to theme component. Active is the current active theme and detected is the detected theme of the OS.

Fixed issues