Thanks @George. Very useful - several I hadn’t discovered yet. F9 could have interesting results.
Shift+tab seems to do the same as Ctrl [ (‘indent less’). Previously it had a useful function - to format/beautify the selected text. I don’t think there is an option for that any more. It would be useful if it could be reinstated some time.
Cmd-F is indeed a shortcut in the Code Editor only. So the code editor needs to be focused. The project search doesn’t have a shortcut at this moment.
I removed the fn key in the shortcut list since it depends on the keyboard you have, not every Mac requires to use the fn key. I think most Mac users will know how to use F3.
Cmd-S should work global in Wappler, independent on what has focus.
In addition to Select Line in Code View it would be very usefull to add also Select Element because an element can be spread over different lines.
CTRL-E would be a logic shortcut
Shortcuts for these would certainly be very useful.
In relation to this, an option to choose in which view files appeared when opened would also very useful (more useful than shortcut keys for those who always work in split view for example).
There have been many requests for shortcuts - and many have now been implemented.
At least from my point of view, the biggest omissions are shortcuts for the different views, as you mention, and a shortcut to ‘open in browser’. I also suggested earlier in this thread, that an option to choose the default view, in preferences, would be very helpful (for me, more useful than shortcut keys as I always use split view).
Perhaps the problem with this thread is that it doesn’t come under ‘feature requests’. Perhaps it’s another which could be split - or should there be different requests for different keyboard shortcuts (though this doesn’t sound very sensible)?
If you copy the list from the webpage, it will copied as tab-separated text - eg you could paste it into an Excel spreadsheet or Word document etc.
Edit: since the new code editor was added, there are many additional shortcuts for code view. Right-click and choose command pallette to see the list - or Ctrl+Shift+P (or Mac equivalent).