Wappler 6.1.2 Released

Wappler 6.1.2 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 6.1.2 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

In this Wappler update we have greatly improved mobile development with Framework7. Now the Latest version 8.3 of Framework 7 is included offering you the latest Material You (Material 3) design, see Framework7 v8 - Material You

The design view and the dark mode handling and design is now also improved for both mobile and web development.

Furthermore we have fixed various issues with SQLite Capacitor, State Management and Tagify extensions as reported by the community.

Also the S3 Upload component is now updated for full App Connect 2 compatibility.

Design View

  • Detect running dark mode for Bootstrap 5 and Framework7
  • Improved setting dark mode for Framework7 v8
  • Improved html parsing

Framework 7 v8

  • Implement new theme color modes
  • improved dark mode
  • Implement the new outline list options
  • Improved version 8 specific component rules
  • Added also the version 8 specific templates
  • Deprecate version 2,3 and 4

Git Manager

  • Allow users to change default branch (changed default to main instead of master). Option is available in Wappler Global Options.
  • Fixed diff issue (Previous Diff Button No Longer Works)

Assets Manager

  • Improved tooltips

Extensions Manager

  • Improved tooltips

Server Connect Editor

  • Improve save error handling

Server Connect

  • improved the unused nodejs packages after saving server connect options


  • Updated Electron to the latest version 27.3.0, solving some native window problems on Mac, where maximize button could be disabled when in full screen
  • Improved general tooltips in all popup windows

App Connect Pickers

  • Improved selection in data bindign pickers

Capacitor SQLite Connector 1.0.6

App Connect State Manager 2.0 Beta 5

App Connect Tagify 2.0 Beta 4

App Connect S3 Upload 2.0 Beta 1

  • S3 Upload updated for App Connect 2

Fixed issues