Framework calendar not setting value

Hello everyone!

Please help me with one issue that I have with the fm7 calendar. When the value is changed it is not setting the new variable in dmx app.

The code im using is the following
<input id="f7calendar1" name="f7calendar1" type="text" is="dmx-f7-calendar">

Hey Paolo!
What version of Wappler are you using?
And what version of Framework7?
Also, you’re using capacitor?

Im using Wappler 5.5.3
Yes im using capacitor and framework7 version 6.3.17

There’s a new version of Capacitor available on Wappler 6 Beta 8.0.0.
And I was having some troubles with F7 components, reported here:

Can you check on console if you have some errors?

No there are now errors :frowning:

How do you bind the f7 calendar value?
Can you share the code?

This should be fixed in Wappler 6.1.2

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