Node packages get deleted from package.json when modifying Server Connect Global Settings

Wappler Version: 6.0.5
Operating System: MacOS
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Node packages should not get deleted from the package.json file when modifying Server Connect Global Settings → Environment.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Node packages "": "^8.2.1",, "connect-redis": "^7.1.0", and "redis": "^4.6.6", get removed from the package.json file upon saving Global Connect Settings. I have seen this happening after adding or modifying a value in the Environment tab.

The node packages are re-added in the package.json after restarting the Wappler project.

How to reproduce

  1. Add a new ENV variable under Globals
  2. Add a value for the new ENV var under Global Server Connect settings
  3. Save the Server Connect Settings - Node packages get deleted upon save

Screenshot of the node packages that have been deleted in the package.json file.

Hi @guptast,
Can you verify your project settings, specially the part about redis, if redis is enabled there or not.

Hi Roney, the Redis is enabled in the project settings. The node packages get removed when server connect settings are saved and then the removed packages get re-added on restarting the Wappler project.

I was experiencing a similar issue with PG package in 6.0.3, but for me it happened randomly when switching between projects.
But then it automatically stopped happening in 6.0.5, so never reported it.
I would just discard changes from package.json file and click the install packages button every time it happened.

If a user is aware of the issue with node packages being removed, then the changes can be discarded (if using Git). Otherwise, these changes will just appear as a part of the normal saving process and create an issue with the project not running at all.

I have seen a similar issue with the knex node package being removed and re-added from the package.json file. I will report that bug when I come across it next time.

Fixed in Wappler 6.1.2

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