Trouble Creating Node JS pages

Hi All
Version 6.1.1 NodeJS local host…
I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong , but is anyone else having trouble creating pages. Most of the time when I try to create a page it doesnt seem to trigger the events to load bootstrap etc. When I press save it just creates a blank script page . It shows the Node JS icon in the left hand panel (login)

Then when I delete it and try to create the page again it deletes the icon but doesn’t seem to delete, then eventually Wappler crashes and I have to reload. This doesn’t always cure it and may take several reloads of Wappler
Thanks in advance


this will be fixed in the next update

Thanks George , its becoming a real problem so look forward to the next update

Hi George
I installed the new update (6.1.2) and it has the same problem .


Fixed in Wappler 6.1.3

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