Wappler 4.5.3 Released

Wappler 4.5.3 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

This week we have great Bootstrap 5 updates and Docker deployment improvements!

Bootstrap 5 is updated now to the latest version with all the new options as well full support for placeholders! Now you can create even better loading experience for your users!
See Using Bootstrap 5 Placeholders

The Project Assets Updater now auto detects if you are using custom themes and regenerates them on Bootstrap 5 update if you choose to perform it.
Also Bootstrap icons are updated to the latest version giving you access to all new icons!

Docker support is now greatly enhanced! In Wappler’s File Manager now you can connect to the files of the remote docker server and upload and download them as you wish!
See Remote File Manager for Docker

Also connecting to any existing servers as well other cloud providers is now much easier with the new generic docker machine type.

Docker deployment is improved with more control and checks to make it easy rock solid for you.

And of course we addressed many of the issues reported in our community.

New File Manager for Docker!

  • Now you can fully explore the web files in the docker container with Wappler’s File Manager
  • Just choose to view “Target” files and the files in the container will be listed
  • You can fully download and upload files or folders directly to from or to the docker container. Just use the Download and Upload options from the File Manager context menu
  • You can also delete files in the docker container by choosing the “Delete” option in the context menu
  • Multiple selection also works, so you can select multiple files and/or folders to upload/download at once
  • The Docker File Manager works even on remote docker targets! So you can just download your user assets folder if you want
  • Fully implemented remove folder creation and deletion.
  • Improve toolbar refresh for remote targets view

Docker Manager

  • Greatly improved connecting speed to the remote host SSH by using the system SSH command
  • Added extra checks when deploying to remote docker servers, so that there is no conflict with running services. This ensures that you don’t accidentely deploy your project under a different name
  • Make the Docker Project Deployment Name visible in the Docker target remote options. This name has to be unique and is usually based on the project folder name.
  • Save the Docker Project Deployment Name, so that it can always be checked if it is the same used for deployment.
  • Allow changing the Docker Project Deployment Name - to other running project name. This only needs to be done when you are absolutely sure that you want to overwrite your running docker project with this one.
  • New Import Possibility for creating docker machines from existing servers. Now you can select to create a new “generic” docker machine with the IP and your SSH key, to connect to an existing running server and add to your docker machines.
  • New Wappler Global Option for Docker to Auto Stop local running docker containers for this project on project change or quit. Useful for computers with less resources to directly stop running docker containers when those are no longer used
  • Do not auto upload files to docker containers on save
  • Reset the target docker deploy name when adding new targets and copying previous target data

Project Assets Updater

  • Now integrate with the Theme Manager, if there is an update of the local theme, automatically regenerate new theme.
  • Improved initial updates checking
  • Improved on demand optional installation of jsonwebtoken module in NodeJS

Bootstrap 5

  • Updated the Bootstrap 5 to the latest version 5.1.3
  • Updated Theme Manager for the latest bootstrap version
  • Added Background opacity, Shadow, Opacity to Appearance options
  • Added Border Width control and updated the Border Radius control
  • Added new Placeholder properties to allow building of rich preloaders per element
  • Improved the placeholder in bootstrap 5 to make automatically lightweight placeholder on images as well

Bootswatch 5.1.3

  • Updated all themes to the latest Bootstrap 5 version 5.1.3
  • Added new theme Regent

Bootstrap Icons 1.8.0

  • Updated the Bootstrap icons to the latest version 1.8.0 with all new icons

Database Manager

  • Added local or UTC timezone options for MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server connections for NodeJS

DOM Panel

  • Improved styling of the collapse/expand styling icons


  • Improved tree panels styling when showing animated loading progress
  • Improved busy message popup when switching projects

JWT Signing

  • Added options for JWT ID and ExpiresIn

App Connect Action Scheduler

  • Added No Progress flag to optimize Scheduler resource usages when you don’t need progress info, so that App Connect runs faster

Fixed issues