Docker deploy to digital ocean port 9906 already in use

Thanks George that’s works . Now… the next next error

Removing intermediate container 8d7c4777da03
—> 443df2c9d186
Step 5/5 : COPY ./ /var/www/html/
—> 9b005c251226
Successfully built 9b005c251226
Successfully tagged pleiades_latest_site_01_2022__digitaldockerprod_web:latest

Use ‘docker scan’ to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
[+] Running 3/4
⠿ Volume “pleiades_latest_site_01_2022__digitaldockerprod_db-volume” Created 0.1s
⠿ Volume “pleiades_latest_site_01_2022__digitaldockerprod_user_uploads” Created 0.1s
⠿ Container pleiades_latest_site_01_2022__digitaldockerprod-db-1 St… 0.9s
⠿ Container pleiades_latest_site_01_2022__digitaldockerprod-web-1 C… 0.3s
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint pleiades_latest_site_01_2022__digitaldockerprod-db-1 (0bd5ebd2b1212152001ea0f169b0eec3a8502bf557bab6be8bd1c14afcecc898): Bind for failed: port is already allocated
Error Launching Services!

Please advice

See maybe:

George this is the list of containers . Can you please tell me what to kill?

4ecedf1d0a8d pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_web “docker-php-entrypoi…” 5 months ago Up About an hour>80/tcp pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_web_1
291c2c064cb1 pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_db “docker-entrypoint.s…” 5 months ago Up About an hour 33060/tcp,>3306/tcp pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_db_1
8bb68df7d6b4 traefik:v2.2 “/ --pr…” 8 months ago Up About an hour>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>8080/tcp traefik
7fed1b36645d portainer/portainer-ce “/portainer” 8 months ago Up About an hour>8000/tcp,>9000/tcp portainer

Well the one that uses port 9906 with _db in the name.

Thanks a lot!

George i have the following issue. In Digital Ocean i am running as a production site the following containers:CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES
4ecedf1d0a8d pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_web “docker-php-entrypoi…” 5 months ago Up 34 minutes>80/tcp pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_web_1
291c2c064cb1 pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_db “docker-entrypoint.s…” 5 months ago Up 34 minutes 33060/tcp,>3306/tcp pleiades_site_latest__digitaldockerprod_db_1

I switch desktop environments and i am trying to sync my environments. the current production environment is include the db with productions data. When i kill the db container i manage to deploy the environment but i lost all production data. How i can deploy it again without loosing data or to find another method to transfer them?


Well somehow during the desktop switch you created a new project that deployed to the same server but under a bit different name _1

So deployed this created a conflict with the previous service and database.

So now you have two instances of the database.

The old is still on the server under the old name that you killed, so if you somehow manage it start and backup it.

That is why you really should have database backup.

So maybe you can get the old project running instead of the new one…

You really should make sure your project folder name is exact the same as before. That should help you spin the exact same project as before.

Yes I already restore it from backup . The production site is ok now . The issue is how I can use wappler editor to deploy the environment correctly without losing the data from the old database

Good to hear.

Well the deploy went somehow bad because the project was seen as new project by docker.

Could you explain exactly how did you switch your project to a new system? So we can try to replicate that.

Also how did you manage the database backup and restore? Maybe we can improve that as well.