Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 3 Released
Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 3 from your Account Dashboard
Latest stable version is also available there.
Note: Wappler Beta runs as a separate app, so you can have both stable and beta installed, but please run them one at the time.
What’s New
In beta 3 we are introducing a whole new Visual Expression Builder, so you can easily create complex logical expressions for your dynamic data. Now you can much easily check states and conditions and apply, filters dynamic styling, show/hide elements and much more.
See Using the New Visual Expression Builder
Futhermore we have improved many issues about the new CouchDB and PouchDB integration and also the new App Connect 2.0 beta extensions.
The App Connect Formatter is now also in beta and greatly extended with new formatters like case insensitive search and also the new Visual Expression Builder.
We will be taking a short summer break now, so we can recharge our batteries and come back with more exciting features and improvements in the next beta.
Expression Builder
- Brand new visual expression builder, so you can easily create complex logical expressions for your dynamic data. Use it for complex filters on data view or pouchdb view, dynamic styling, show/hide and much more.
- Automatically include the formatters when used in the logical expressions
Database Manager
- Improved managing PouchDB only connections
- Improved auto generating Server Connect connections for local docker databases, to use the docker internal host
- Also improved to remember the cloud datase selection even in the server connect database connections
- Fixed working with Postgres schemas
Resource Manager
- Improved calling the Admin panel on CouchDB for remote servers
- Alert that when the CouchDB is accessible only over SSH than you can’t open the Admin Panel as it is private
App Connect Data Formatter 2.0 beta 1
- Full compatibility with the new App Connect 2
- New global formatters isEmpty and isDefined
- Enhanced all text search conditional formatters like contains, startsWith, endsWith, search, replace and fuzzySearch, with extra option to ignore case
- Implemented new very flexible “filter” formatter that empowers the new Visual Expression Builder for easy conditionals entry.
- Added new inArray and notInArray for text
PouchDB 1.0 Beta 2
- Include a filter option now empowering the new Visual Expression Builder in Wappler to building complex logical expresions with ease
Database Updater
- Add returning property containing primary of sub table to sub query
App Connect 2.0 - beta 11
- Added support for the new Visual Expression Builder
- Now Conditional Region and CSS Class Toggle use the new expression builder
- Implemented also the new Visual Expression Builder for dynamic attributes like show, hide, checked, selected, disabled, readonly, and required,
- Fixed select defaultValue error
- Set selected value on init select
- Fixed select defaultValue error
- Do not fire changed event on form elements when not a user action
- Fixed issues with some form elements
- checked state not being updated with radio input (Dmx-bind:checked not evaluating expression on radio input)
- changed event was triggered twice (Dmx-on:changed triggers twice in AC2)
- initial value not being set correctly
- Improved api action sending json in flows
App Connect Data Transfersal 2.0 - beta 4
- Include a filter option now empowering the new Visual Expression Builder in Wappler to building complex logical expresions with ease
- Fixed error on load when no data was set (Data detail generates error on load)
App Connect Sockets 2.0 beta 2
- Setting transport default to websocket and to polling when connection fails (polling seems to have cors problems on mobile)
App Connect Flows 2.0 beta 1
- Support for the latest App Connect 2.0 beta
- Server Connect actions in flows now have the credentials option
Fixed Issues
- AC2 Bug #20 - dmx-show Not Working for Various Items in a Repeat
- AC2 Bug #19 - Select Statements Not Displaying Their Value Since 6.0 Beta 2
- AC2 Bug #18 - Data for a Select Statement Has Disappeared Since 6.0 Beta 2
- AC2 dmx-on:changed with form reset issue
- Issue accessing CouchDB from server connect workflows - connection error
- Unable to create a PouchDB
- AC2 Bug #15 - P tag Not Showing Value of Input Field in a Repeat
- App Flow with POST JSON API Action does not send JSON Data value
- Server Connects in App Flow do not have "Credentials" flag
- Dmx-on:changed triggers twice in AC2
- Dmx-bind:checked not evaluating expression on radio input
- Database connection settings not reading back correctly in couchdb settings screen
- 500 Internal Server Error when updating subtable / form repeat
- Input within a repeat, no binding to sibling variable
- Select option with dmx-bind:selected does not get selected on load
- CouchDB call to wrong IP address when using local container
- Data detail generates error on load
- Issue with opening CouchDB Admin panel when running on remote cloud container
- Can't load DB schema on Wappler 6 Beta
- Server connect w/credentials inside flow
- Credentials Option On Server Connect App / Page Flow For Mobile