Wappler Version : 6.0.0 beta 2
Operating System : mac
Server Model:
Database Type:
Hosting Type:
Expected behavior
An input within a repeat, should be able to receive the value of a sibling variable.
Actual behavior
The value is not set. I’ve also tried to bind directly to $value instead of a variable, and the result is the same.
This all works in AC1
How to reproduce
An input:
<input type="hidden" class="form-control servings_input mt-n1 mb-0 ml-2 mr-2" id="inp_servings_block8" name="servings_block" aria-describedby="input1_help" dmx-bind:value="this_meal_block.value.servings" dmx-on:updated.debounce:250="run({condition:{if:`edit_mode.value==1&&value!=this_meal_block.value.servings`,then:{steps:{run:{action:`update_meal_block_servings.load({meal_block_id: this_meal_block.value.meal_block_id, servings: value})`}}}}})">
And a variable:
<dmx-value id="this_meal_block" dmx-bind:value="$value"></dmx-value>
When this is loaded, you can see the the variable this_meal_block
has a value for servings
, however the input inp_servings_block8
has no value, despite having a binding to the variable.