Wappler 5.1.3 Released

Wappler 5.1.3 Released

Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 5.1.3 from your Account Dashboard

Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Wappler license purchases are now even easier with the new Wappler Wallet! You can now deposit any amount of money to your Wallet in Wappler Account and those will be used to pay your upcoming invoices. This is very useful if you want to prepay a few subscriptions ahead of time.
See Introducing Wappler Wallet

Want to meet the Wappler team in person? Well we are going to WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal from 1-4 of November 2022! So come and meet us!
See Wappler Team going to WebSummit!

Furthermore in this weeks update of Wappler we have implemented a lot of fixes as reported by the community and few extensions updates.

Database Manager

  • Improved database schema retrieval with sub tables so it better handles deleted tables.

App Connect Validator

  • Improved the numeric min and max validation rules to include both standard min/max as well the App Connect data-rule-max and data-rule-min

App Connect Google Places

  • Improve the Google includes to keep other used libraries in the include link

App Structure panel

  • Improved drag & drop operations

Design View

  • Improved refreshing after partial synchronization

Wappler Terminals

  • Improved cleanup and resize on close


  • Optimize folder and file listing for speed and error detection

Fixed issues