Wappler 3.4.0 Released

Wappler 3.4.0 Released

Go get it from https://wappler.io/download/
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!

What’s New

Collaboration and projects sharing are the major new features in Wappler this week!

We have now greatly expanded our Git Manager to work directly with most popular git cloud providers like GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket!

Now you can connect your project to any repository of those providers, with a single click and instant browser authorization! No more complex logins!
See Connecting to GitHub, Gitlab or BitBucket

Working on the same project with your team or multiple computers, is now a breeze because you can share your Wappler project on GutHub, GitLab or BitBucket for use!
See Creating a Wappler project based on existing Git Repository

Also finally we have implemented the new powerful Monaco Editor, so code editing should be smooth and highly reliable now!

And of course we have fixed many issues that you reported in our great community!

Git Manager

  • NEW: Connect seamlessly your Wappler project to GitHub repositories!
  • You can just grand Wappler permissions and you are done! No more complex authorizations and logins! Wappler is now an official GitHub App!
  • Store GitHub authorization safely and local only within your Wappler App.
  • Allow to authorize a just the current GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket repository and/or store the authorization globally for usage in all your Wappler projects
  • Greatly improved and simplified Git authorizations - full support for all kind of GitHub two factor authorizations
  • Easily connect to even private GitHub repositories
  • Automatically renew expired GitLab and BitBucket oAuth2 authorizations for Wappler, so you don’t have to reauthorize
  • Added remote choice dropdown for the active remote repository for push or pull
  • Improved Git Manager toolbar for easy connecting to Remote Repositories
  • Improved the Connect to Remote Repositories dialog, supporting easy oAuth authorizations as well, login or SSH keys if needed.
  • Improved the Manage Remote Repositories dialog
  • Added also full support for automatic authorization also for GitLab and BitBucket as Git providers!
  • Wappler Options - Git Options - enable global access authorizations for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket for all your Wappler projects. Now you can just connect your GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket to Wappler and use them without the need to reauthorize in all your Wappler projects! You can always clear the authorizations in Wappler options.
  • Wappler is now also an official registered app for GitLab and BitBucket!
  • Improved dialog for initial Connect to remote repository
  • Allow to choose the current remote repository to push and pull with it.
  • Remember per project the active remote
  • Pull/push current branch
  • Push all tags

Docker Manager

  • Nicely cleanup open terminals on docker services state change.

Monaco Editor

  • Updated to the latest Monaco 0.21.2, with tons of updates!

Design View

  • Fix focus problem in design view causing the inline text edit to stay in edit mode when focus was lost

Project Manager

  • NEW Clone Project from a Git Repository. Now you directly import an existing Wappler project from remote git repository on GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket! Just specify the remote Git URL and a local folder to be stored and the project will be fully downloaded and created locally. This is ideal when working in teams on the same projects that are store in a central git repository and all team members can edit and commit changes.
  • This works perfectly with the in Browser Authorizations for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket. So you have to authorize Wappler once and then you can connect to any repository you have access to.
  • Improved deleting of Wappler projects and UI synchronizations. Also you can always re-import the folder to have the project back as the folder is never deleted.
  • Improved toolbar options and tooltips
  • Improved project delete cleanup
  • Refresh routes on blank NodeJS project creation so the default route becomes visible

NodeJS Templating

  • Improved support for partials in sub folders. Always use views absolute path
  • Improved rendering of partials in design view
  • Improved Move to Partial - to insert the correct code with variables assignments


App Connect

  • Reset validation after a serverconnect form submit

Smooth Scroll

  • Clear up explanation text

Bug Fixes