Wappler 7.0.0 Beta 7 Released
Download Wappler 7.0.0 Beta 7 from your Account Dashboard
Latest stable version is also available there.
Note: Wappler Beta runs as a separate app, so you can have both stable and beta installed, but please run them one at the time.
What's New
Another great beta update for you on Wappler 7, now with another very anticipated feature request - the Switch Case action in Server Connect!
Now you can easily add multiple cases and conditions in your Server Connect workflows, making your actions much more powerful and flexible.
Futhermore the validations and styling of the Server Connect actions have been greatly improved and optimized, making your workflow much more efficient and reliable.
Also the Structure Panel has been greatly improved, now with better selection and focus and many other improvements thanks to our very dedicated community member @Antony !
Summernote has been updated to the latest version 0.9.1 including the latest security fixes and improvements as well new options.
Next week our team will have a short break for some great teambuilding activities and we will be back after that with more great updates of Wappler 7 beta.
Server Connect Beta
- Add new support for Select Case action - now you can have a expression and multiple branches of cases
- Improve styling of sub steps like try/catch and add select/case action
- Added the new Server Connect action Select as beta extension on the beta channel
- Added support for the select case action with multiple cases
- Improve styling of sub steps like try/catch and add select/case action
- Restrict adding only allowed substeps once or multiple only with select
- Greatly improved and optimized action step validations
- Improved styling of the validation and conditionals
- Improve step validation, specifically for database steps
- Show only property inspectors for nodes with properties
- Do not open nodes on selection
- Improve data pickers
Structure Panel
- Improved selection in Structure Panel, no scrolling
- Added ctrl-d (duplicate) support in Structure Panel
- Restore focus to tree after delete and duplicate
- Prevent edit in structure tree
- Prevent scroll on delete/duplicate
- Small update to structure tree search
- Missing Styles Panel
Wappler HTML Editor
- Improved duplicate node
Code Editor
- Updated emmet plugin for monaco 0.52.0
- Improved color scrollbar
- Small improved colors of scrollbar/minimap hover
Components and Actions Picker Dialogs
- Big cleanup context, removed framework filters
- Small improved fuzzy search (limit distance of chars)
- Do not close native popup windows when Wappler looses focus
- Updated starter templates and regular templates to Bootstrap 5
- Fixed switching between flow and tree view
App Connect Summernote 2.1.0
- Updated summernote to the latest version 0.9.1
- Added codeviewFilter and codeviewIframeFilter options to summernote component
- Improved initial creation with bootstrap 5
- Handle timeouts in api actions (Timeout bug?)
Fixed issues
- Switch Case/Else-If Function in Server Connect
- Beta 7 - Server Actions - Support Edit Cut as Well as Copy/Paste
- Possibly controversial - Remove fuzzy search on actions?
- Timeout bug?
- Beta 7 v6: Cannot Paste into Server Action POST Variable Name
- Beta 7: Extra New Line Added to Comments
- Option for Structure Panel Not to Auto-Scroll When Operating on Items Within It
- Beta 7 v6 - Deleting a step below an un-expanded if-then expands the if-then
- Beta 7 v6 - Server Data Bindings Window Closes If I Click Outside of Wappler
- Beta 7 v6: Cannot Scroll in Code View Minimap with Dark Theme
- Beta 7 - Structure Panel Scolls Around When I Select Things
- Update Starter Pages and Templates to Bootstrap 5
- Wappler 7 (beta 6) missing checkbox for Theme Manager's Advanced Variables
- Server action steps validation icon does not disappear
- New Server Action Copy/Paste Should be Caps Lock Independent
- Database Update server action shows ! even though it's been completed properly
- Emmet not working in Wappler 7 beta 6
- Monaco Editor errors v7b6, plus auto-completion not working
- Summernote update due to security issues and the danger of xss
- Please Can We Have Some Beta Releases Focussed on Server Actions?
- Javascript switch
- Thank You For Server Actions... They are Wonderful!
- Elseif usage