Elseif usage

There is a "switch case" usage feature request that was previously opened. but I guess it is not important enough. However, while server-side operations in the wappler interface, if conditions can sometimes be complicated. I suggested switch case to remove this complexity in using the interface, but if this is not possible, the use of "elseif" would be appropriate.

Of course, this is a decision you will make, but this is not a new feature but an improvement of an existing feature. Using nested "if condition " with the GUI is not really easy. in some cases it causes confusion. The best solution is to use "switch case" , but if it is not possible to add it, it will be better for us to use "elseif" as desired.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Switch Case Function in Server Connect

6 votes have been moved. 4 votes could not be moved because their users already voted in the other topic.

This has been added to Wappler 7 beta 7.
Make sure you're also on the Beta extensions channel as the Select - Case is available there.

The usage is quite easy, you add Select and choose an expression for it:

And then you can add as many cases as you expect with specific values: