Wappler 6.4.1 Released
Check the new Wappler site at https://wappler.io/
and download Wappler 6.4.1 from your Account Dashboard
Or just do “check for updates” on the Wappler tray icon for automatic install!
What’s New
Welcome the new major Stripe integration in Wappler! Now you can easily integrate Stripe payments in your web apps with the new App Connect Stripe Elements 2.0 beta 1 and the new Stripe Connector 2.0 beta 1.
Enjoy the custom Stripe payment integration with the new powerful Stripe Elements components and the new Stripe Connector with 470 server actions and 1165 output types!
Currently only available in the beta channel, so make sure to switch to the beta channel to try it out! Detailed tutorials about its usage are coming up.
Furthermore we have a brand new App Connect 2 component “Form Data” that allows you to post any complex data objects like data store to server connect forms or regular forms. This is a great addition to the App Connect 2 components and allows you to easily post complex data to your server actions.
See Posting Complex Data Objects to Server Side
Also our Docker Manager now fully supports the new “docker compose” command instead of the deprecated “docker-compose”. Everything should work just as before, so no conversion is needed. See for background info https://docs.docker.com/compose/migrate/
And last but not least we have fixed many issues reported in the community and improved the overall stability and performance of Wappler.
App Connect Stripe Elements 2.0 beta 1
- Stripe components updated to App Connect 2
- Added 4 new Stripe Components
- Address component
- Link Authentication component
- Payment component
- Payment Method Messaging component
- Implemented new client secret pickers for server side
- Improved all stripe component icons
- Market all old components as deprecated
- Added Stripe flow actions with params
Stripe Connector 2.0 beta 1
- Include all the latest Stripe API functionalities
- Added 100 more stripe server actions totalling now of 470!
- Added 500 more stripe output types totalling now of 1165
- Added even more webhooks types for the latest Stripe objects
- Improved the Stripe Items Api
- Improved the createFile action with file name as parameter
- Update Stripe PHP package to version 13.16.0
- Update the NodeJS Package to version 14.23.0
- Included all new webhooks as well
- Improved stripe actions groups and icons
- Separated server side support from the client side App Connect
- Improved PHP server code
App Connect in Wappler
- Do not show deprecated components on Add New components dialog and also not on “convert to” types
- Indicate deprecated components with icons in the App Structure tree
- Added name to the form-data element to be used as input data name
- Added default name to all input controls
- Add Server Connect Actions picker to the regular Form Action property for easy picking of server actions.
Docker Manager
- Now fully support and use the new “docker compose” command instead of the deprecated “docker-compose”. Everything should work just as before, so no conversion is needed. See for background info https://docs.docker.com/compose/migrate/
- In the global Wappler options / Docker you can still choose the use the old Docker Compose v1 in case of troubles. You can also switch the BuildKit off which is used for faster docker build and it is the new default as well
FTP Manager
- Update LFTP and its components to the latest version on windows
- Improved automatic upload on development targets on save for sites with web root
Resource Manager
- Improved server creation and retrieving of the ip address after it
- Improved server refresh after import
App Connect 2.0 RC 6
- Added new form-data component to allow you to post any complex data objects like data store to server connect forms or regular forms
App Connect Data Traversal 2.0 beta 10
- Fixed pages on data view (AP2 - Dataview attributes failing to update on pagesize change)
App Connect Routing 3.0 beta 7
- Routing should update query params on app component (AC2 named routing parameters broken when using internal links)
App Connect Bootstrap 5 Toasts 5.3 beta 3
- Removed text-muted class from subtitle
- Removed innerHTML from close button
- Added headerClass and bodyClass options to allow adding custom classes
App Connect Animate CSS 3.0 beta 3
- Improved animateCSS animation to prevent flicker and correctly cancel previous animation
Fixed issues
- AC2 named routing parameters broken when using internal links
- AP2 - Dataview attributes failing to update on pagesize change
- Help with Digital Ocean Server
- Incompatible with latest Docker Compose/Build tools Updates
- Error Launching Services: KeyError: 'ContainerConfig'
- Stripe: 'updateProduct' can't set active to false
- Can Stripe payment be optional?
- Stripe Create InvoiceItem fails (with fix)
- Stripe Create File action has no properties
- Is the 'Stripe Payment Element' supported?
- Stripe - Payment Intent - Missing Option
- Stripe Card Element Depreciated
- Stripe Elements Support
- I need help on how to pass productid and quantity from data store to server action
- Stripe - can we dynamically enable options?
- Stripe: Options should be passed in their own array after $params
- How to save data in 'DataStore (local storage)' to MySQL Table?
- How Can I Pass an Array to a Server Action to Write to the Database?
- A bit of guidance needed - Datastore to server action