Stripe Card Element Depreciated

Hi Everyone,

I noticed that Stripe’s card element has been deprecated. Ive been trying to setup a payment form all day with the card element in Wappler and cannot get it to work, then I came across this:

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 3.48.13 PM

How can I have users save a card during registration to my app?

I do not want to use Stripe’s prebuilt check out pages because they look unprofessional and the redirect is bad for the user experience.

I simply want the user to be able to enter their card number while signing up for my app, and be able to use it for future purchases within my app.

I have everything else working (create customer, create payment intent etc) I just cannot confirm a payment intent or setup intent as the Stripe card Element no longer works.

I would highly appreciate if someone can fill me in! Thank you

Hi @cgrulke.

Where did you find that info about it being deprecated? I launched a site just last Friday which has the Stripe card element on the page and it’s working perfectly.

Thanks for that. I’ve no idea how long they’ve shown it as deprecated and when it will actually stop working. All I can say is I’ve built a checkout page using the Wappler Stripe elements and it’s working perfectly.

Could you let me know how you did it? Im really struggling to get the payment method id from the element.

This is a great thread from last week which helped me solve the blip I was facing. There are some really useful screenshots which show you everything you need.

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Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Dude! That really helped! I changed my form to a Stripe Checkout Form and switched the card element to the payment method element and it worked.

I really wish Stripe wasn’t so darn frustrating, but at least we got through this problem. Thanks again for your help.

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Well played. The form type is what gave me so many headaches for days. I had two projects using Stripe, one worked and the other didn’t and I just didn’t spot that as being the difference. Now I will remember that fundamental bit and should be able to get Stripe up and running in a few minutes.

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App Connect Stripe Elements 2.0 beta 1 are now available in Wappler 6.4.1
We will be adding new tutorials about stripe elements in the next days.