Tutorial: Mobile push notifications with Capacitor and FCM 3/3

Part 1: Firebase project setup
Part 2: Mobile project and receiving notifications
-> Part 3: Server project and sending notifications
Extra: Navigation and parameters

Server project:

35 .- We create a project (I’ll use NodeJS) and we create a new JWT service
We import the file that we save on the Point Nº 14 and we add a scope: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging

So we got:

36 .- We create a new OAuth service we set to the JWT we created before, select Google as Service and we create a new scope with https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging:

37 .- The API will handle all the job for us.

  • Set the URL (https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECTID/messages:send)
  • Select JSON and paste all the message there
  • Select the OAuth2 authorization previously created
  • And the header: “Content-type: application/json”

38.- I’m going to send this:

Hello Wappler Community 
This is a message from my server

So the JSON will be:

  "message": {
    "token": "cW-xXkENR22AsjLgyATc4c:APA91bFGTOaQwW08kxSavBct4KN55LJfWWOcYcZ1ND47eK81kVoUr8lt63NmLjikZrHVTizZ6KbzdFIAy2JSDKvcUCnwsBduxq8-vfmrOYbAeNyD_pzkYroYMLNOGryhVAz7FC7dh2a6",
    "notification": {
      "title": "Hello Wappler Community ",
      "body": "This is a message from my server"

We test the API and:

If you need to send dynamic values just use them on the JSON, for example:

Extra: Navigation and parameters

Thanks all for reading, I hope you can find this useful on the future :slight_smile: