I’m working on a mobile app that I would like to be offline friendly so having the JS/CSS for things like Calendar, Summernote and Tagify available as a local option would be really useful. Charts already works this way; it would be great if these resources could follow the same strategy.
Need this FR so badly.
Tagify keeps broke from time to time. Clients becomes irritated.
I think this one should be merged here:
In the end these FRs are for allowing any custom path for App Connect and the rest of libraries.
The fixing to a specific Tagify version was added this week but I still feel, particularly for mobile development, that the biggest need for resources is the option of serving locally
Bump. Tagify is a particular issue. And unpkg.com is flaky
The same problem. We really need the ability to install the Tagify component locally.
I’ll clarify. Enough so that you disable auto-link on CDN Tagify. I will install and connect the necessary resources myself. Which is what I’m doing now. But auto-link, which cannot be disabled, just blows the brain.
+1. Cold start load time is an important metric, so having those scripts local on the device is especially important on devices with slower connections.
I really appreciate the change of unpkg to jsdelivr but having a local option is still very high on my wish list. Is there a reason it isn’t being implemented? Surely the mechanism is there as you do it for Charts…