When I click, I see the dropdown and can select an option. But the selected option doesn’t show in input. My Tagify settings: default mode with No custom and Min Chars = 0
@George Can we have an option to use 3rd party tools like Tagify as a local repository?
Now if you adding link for local Tagify repository in main.ejs after you’re saving Wappler still adds links to Tagify CDN.
Thing is not only because of CDNs might get down, but web-site and their clients might be running in isolate environment (Enterprise environment with high level of security restrictions) without access to the Internet - like in my case.
Anyway - it’s good that you’ve paid attention to this topic.
This also broke Tagify in my live app as well as dev and staging etc. I’m implementing the manual 4.15.2 fix now and it seems to work…just need to roll out to production now