All Cloud Provider Settings getting wiped when changing Project Options Docker Settings

Wappler Version : 6.0.3
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker / DO

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

I should be able to change settings in my Project Options Targets without it impacting ALL Cloud Provider configuration.

Actual behavior

I’m on production target, I was trying to setup Redis as an External DB. This locked prod, so I reverted back to Docker Redis. I click ‘Save’. ALL Cloud Provider settings and configuration get’s wiped.

I should have my remote staging, and production servers and my remote staging and production databases setup. Instead I have after clicking ‘save’:

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 9.58.15 am

Another note, setting up a DB via Resource Manager for External DO Database fails constantly, no SSH settings are preserved and thus I need to remove SSH for it to work. Each restart it tried to default back to SSH.

What do you mean by “this locked prod” ?

Did you save the options and then save again ?

As in when I try to visit the app, it is just locked on loading - and then fails, it won’t load the page.

I tried to setup Redis, saved the options as per normal (I’ve used Wappler for a number of years now as you know) - and then deployed to test it all out. No luck, so I decided to then revert to Redis in Docker, save, and then on save it wiped everything. Happened twice, it was the second time I caught when it happened.

This bug is still happening for me with custom servers on Wappler 6.1.0 whenever I save any targets, I have to manually re-add it or paste it in project.json.

I’m also getting an “All configured authentication methods failed at doNextAuth” error when trying to deploy even though the server passes the System Check and I can connect to it via SSH, not sure if its related.

Happened to me again when removing Traefik this time, I believe. I did a couple of actions so cannot 100% guarantee it was removing Traefik but all resources were wiped and needed importing again.

This should be now fixed in Wappler 6.3.0

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