2021: The Year in Review

Top #Wappler General Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Thanks for V4 and the hard work but ... some wishes 45
Why is Wappler so undermarketed? 20
Wappler needs to be rewritten in TypeScript 14
Help required to analyse why site is very slow to use 13
NodeJS, design - frustrating - or we just don't understand it (including theme manager thingy) 10

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Thanks for V4 and the hard work but ... some wishes 12
For Newcomers and Designers, CMS or LowCode / NoCode converts 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Thanks for V4 and the hard work but ... some wishes 72
Problems with Database Query 66
Is it possible to create nested tables? As well as tables with expanding rows? 52
Problem with insert after upload 45
When creating a new page in a nodejs project is it .ejs or is it html and where do I save it? 41

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Thanks for V4 and the hard work but ... some wishes 25
Why is Wappler so undermarketed? 20
Github Starter Project 19
Not really sure what I did wrong 19
New Features in 4.0? 19