Thanks to all of you for the comments and suggestions
Just wanted to clarify this a bit:
It is true that with Wappler you have advanced back-end framework (Server Connect) which allows you to build server-side/dynamic workflows visually BUT it's not true Wappler does not offer visual tools for designing your page.
That's why the world’s most popular front-end component library Bootstrap 4 is included in Wappler. And as you mentioned the App Structure panel offers you all the customization options available for all the Bootstrap 4 components, but visually with options, sliders and buttons!
Maybe the problem is with people who have zero or minimal experience with web design/development as our docs are referring to terms like framework, class, ID, repeat region, component which such users might not be familiar with.
You can check some great examples in our showcase section showing what the design tools in Wappler are capable of: