Wappler Logo Hijack Take 2 - Can The Logo Go Away More Easily?

Wappler Version : Beta 7 v8
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Local WAMP

Also - Wappler is installed on my C: Drive and my project is on the D: drive.

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

When I start Wappler, the logo should go away when the app is loaded.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Literally every time now that I start up my laptop, the logo stays.

Restarting Wappler witih logging causes Wappler not to appear at all. I then quit Wappler from the tray icon and instead of quitting, Wappler then starts... usually not in logging mode. The logo then seems to disappear.

But wait... I've just done that and this time I'm still in logging mode, and I have a log file for you! :tada:

report1732737383112.zip (204.3 KB)

How to reproduce

Come to my house and try it out? :person_shrugging:

(I'm guessing the logo is just a cool cosmetic thing... could the thing that triggers it to disappear be made more reliable?)

(Bug report just updated with a log file)

Your bug report (zip file) only contains a screenshot. Please go to the folder described in the article and manually zip and attach the log file here.

Here we go!

wappler.zip (16.3 KB)

This should be improved/fixed in Wappler 7 beta 12.

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