Wappler Logo Hijack Take 3 - Can The Logo Go Away More Easily?

This doesn't seem to be any better in Beta 7 v12... I'll try to capture one of those elusive log files for you again!

What does happen in my laptop setup is that when I start the laptop, Wappler always starts with Wappler opening in 6.8.0 and I have to quit Wappler from the tray icon to start it again in Beta 7.

Is there something I can change in a config file (php project) to make Wappler start off in Beta 7 first thing in the morning? :thinking:

I'm curious if anyone else has this problem...

Hello @Antony

To launch the Beta instead of version 6.8, have you ever tried:
deactivate + apply then reactivate + apply + save with the Beta version?

I had this problem... and preferred to launch the Beta when I started my computer.

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Assuming you mean the logo issue, I confess, the only time it seems to happen to me is when i open Wappler while it is still opening in the background as part of start-up. Seems then it can get into a deadlock state.

I always check the tray icon is present before opening Wappler as a precaution.

But, as a fairly regular user of Wappler :grinning: i don't think this has happened more than half a dozen times in total and in each time could be attributed to the above.