'TEST' showing in the top-left of the Wappler window on Mac

Wappler: v4.7.2

Is this new or have I just not noticed it? I’ve tried changing targets but the text remains. What’s it for?

Screenshot 2022-03-31 at 18.06.00

I don’t know what it’s for. I assume it’s checking if files need to be updated?

Anyways, it should go away. Mine only stays on the screen for maybe a second as Wappler loads then it goes away.

It’s still there for me. Switched projects, changed targets, performed all updates… no change. Not a big deal, I’m more curious as to what it’s for.

It’s still there for me too. I think its a minor bug :man_shrugging:.

My guess is it’s something used for developing Wappler and isn’t supposed to be seen.

Mine has been there since I upgraded this morning.

Maybe it’s an Easter Egg and I found it :wink:

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Yes it is our 1st of April fools day joke :slight_smile:

Seems on Windows it is also visible but not that much:


But anyway - it was Patrick’s fault :slight_smile: he left some experimental left overs, like:


Nice new web components rendering just test for now :slight_smile:

Will clean it up asap of course


So I won the prize? :grin:

Yes you will get a free cap - when available:



I say that a lot…but I have a son named Patrick🤣


This has been fixed in Wappler 4.7.3

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