SQL connection to Microsoft SQL Server on Windows

Can somebody please demonstrate or confirm that they can connect to a MS SQL Database . I have tried with WAMP…XAMP and even ISS without any success .

As this is one of wapplers main selling points surely someone must have attempted it …

Thanks in advance


All my connections are MS SQL
Never had any problems, whats your server model .asp .php or .net?

It is PHP

Please see my other post for PHP connecting to SQL Server

Hi Steve,
I work exclusively with classic .asp
What I will do… is get php installed on my IIS configuration and give it a go.
I will let you know how I get on and if I encounter the same issues.


Cheers :grin:

For connecting with MS SQL server I would also suggest the more native approach of using ASP.NET or Classic ASP.

Although it can be done with PHP as well - PHP guys use more MySQL - because it is usually the best combination and also free.

Also running PHP on Windows can be done - but again most hostings just use Linux for PHP and MySQL.

So you should really evaluate what you need and the best solution for you

Hi Steve,
So, I have little experience of php and server settings.
But I went into IIS and clicked web platform installer.
Selected PHP 7 and SQL drivers for PHP, it installed some additional components like cache extensions.

Then the same process I would normally use to connect to a SQL database (But selected SQL Server Native) rather than just SQL Server and bingo!

No problems at all


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Indeed great suggestion Mim - I totally forgot about the platform installer! A must for IIS users!

OK - I have installed ISS Express on my local machine and I can view a ASP page via a browser on Localhost.
When I set the site up in Wappler and get to this same point of Database connection - I have chosen ASP.NET ext…but on the database connection page - this time it is saying Error: Server Response : Compilation Error

What does this mean - ?



Could you paste the full error Steve?

Also have you tested the connection - when defining the project options and setting the ASP.NET model?

In project settings the connection is OK
In the database connection - I get the error.

If i try this with Classic ASP the connection works - So I am guessing it is an ASP.NET error perhaps?


Hi Steve,

Try generating a Wappler debug log and attach it here, as described in:

After a further consideration - seems you might just be missing the required files.

Try saving the server action first - even if it is empty. This will save and upload the required files in the /Bin folder.

This is indeed something specific for ASP.NET

And make sure the /bin folder is available on your server … as it is required

Hi George - I have created the server action which has created the attached into the bin folder - when you say available on the server - what do you mean - i can see the folder in ISS - but it shouldn’t be visable in a browser?



Could you check which ASP.NET version do you have installed?