It seems the queries still run when the SC is used (I have pages that still work that use SC connection that rely on Custom Queries that work fine). In the Custom Query set up, though, the queries can’t be run and therefore the schema can’t be retrieved. I have tried for queries that are more complex, but I know work because the work for the pages that call them, and for a very simple query (as above)
I am using 3.4.2 and PHP
How to reproduce
Detail a step by step guide to reproduce the issue
A screenshot or short video indicating the problem
A copy of your code would help. Include: JS, HTML.
Test your steps on a clean page to see if you still have an issue
Create a Custom Query step in SC, add a basic query and cluck the run button to retrieve the schema
I also checked it and it works fine. Could you please provide some extra information. What is the target that is selected, are there any errors in the console?
Thanks @patrick,
The target is the dev server (built on AWS with Docker - using the Wappler project settings). This is server-side on PHP so no console issues as the query will run if called externally, it just won’t run from the Wappler UI. I have switched to the production version and get the same error.