Me thinks we may have some new visitors to the forum

I don’t have the skills but I guess the team should focus energy and $$$ to do it. But we all know it’s not a priority (till now at least).

Man… I’m super quiet. I know the story here. So predictable. People are literally begging the team to focus on educational ressources for years now… but because of the community pushing another way they never considered it.

Just mentioning for people coming from bubble to be aware. Nothing else. I wasted time and money here and don’t want people to take the same path.

What’s the team situation?
Is Wappler someone’s self funded side project?
Or is there a Wappler office with employees? How many?

Yeah but you’re being as mean to the Wappler community as you’re saying they’re being to you. Let’s all take a breath and recognise that this could be the beginning of a new age for all coders, low coders and no coders. IMHO the Wappler guys are right in that we all need to approach Wappler AFTER we complete basic training on web development.

I passionately recommend Codecademy and their beginner web development course. It’s free and explains a lot of the basic concepts we in the nocode community lack.

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I came from and it was best decision ive ever made. Not only do i have significantly better app, in every metric. But me myself as a developer, ive learned so much, i equate it similar to going to uni.
Its not going to be for everyone, but doesn’t mean people shouldn’t give it a shot, even if wappler isn’t for you, if you take the time to learn (even just small sections), all the concepts can be utilized all other aspects of development, not just wappler, so it will never be a waste.
Edit: not specifically for @GlobaticoLabs. but just every bubble newcomer.
Edit2: Also not saying you have to learn as much as a uni degree, im just saying the potential there is for whatever you want to get out of it (Im learning infrastructure, db design, db management, object storage, client side data storage, different levels of caching, security, proxying, encryption, docker and so much more, im even getting comfortable with linux). Basic static websites, shouldn’t take long at to learn, i equate it to similar difficulty as webflow for basic websites.


Agree with you 100%.
And this is the point : sounds you need to become a dev to be comfortable with Wappler. Most bubblers are not and don’t want to be devs. Most are makers with programming logic.

This is where I’m not sure about Wappler positioning. Is even with tons of educational ressources a typical “maker” will be able to become a Wappler expert. Not sure about it.

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Last time I asked : 3 people. Distributed.

@GlobaticoLabs can i kindly ask you (also the rest of the people) to please keep the good tone?
This is and has always been a friendly community and we’d like to keep it this way.


Okay i should clarify, ive specifically gone for a route to become a developer. So thats what i focus on, but if you dont want to that indepth you do not need too.
My first website, i created a more general website in a few weeks to learn from, with only wappler ui and no knowledge of the more ‘development’ side or code, so its completely possible, again its just more what your aiming to do. (that includes auth and db updates). My perspective is more me trying to go as indepth as i can, as im lucky to now be a full time developer with my business.

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We are a small, but very productive team of 5 people and we have two offices - one in Enschede, Netherlands and one in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Our history goes back 22 years ago, being one of the biggest Dreamweaver extensions producer and the biggest Dreamweaver extensions community - DMXzone.

Most of our team has been working in this company for more than 14 years already.


Hi @GlobaticoLabs, there are many Wapplers that have created tutorials. Wappler is a more advanced tool than bubble so the learning takes a little more, but you can do so much more than bubble and not worry about being locked in.

Here’s some links to tutorials.

This is a playlist of 50 videos on getting started by @Hyperbytes

This channel covers building a mobile task app from scratch and other advanced features


Hey buddy @GlobaticoLabs why are you so upset about Wappler? I don’t mean that in a “put you down” kind of a way.

I just don’t understand what makes you so upset about a tool no one is forcing or even asking you to use? Isn’t it much more relaxing to just not crusade against it and use a different tool?

Apologies if that comes off as boomer talk, I’m just genuinely confused after seeing your messages on bubble, here and on telegram.

I guess you are making a mistake. I guess it’s someone else. I post only here.
I have nothing against Wappler or anyone.
I just mention (and it’s a never ending story since years) what is the reality from my personal experience. Nothing else. I have even Brought people here when I was learning (kind of guessing because was nothing up to date in the documentation) : all of them left and came back to the same conclusion. On the paper it’s an amazing tool. In the reality for a non tech guy who don’t want to become a dev and used to get the thousands of hours of tutorial, bootcamps, training, stunning documentation etc from bubble : Wappler is the opposite. Just want people to be aware, not to make the mistake I did (waste of time and of some money, but mostly waste of time). Nothing else.

I’m not upset about Wappler. But you are right I’m kind of upset against the “historical users” here, because they are a brake in any Wappler growth and It was really disappointing to see that. This message on telegram illustrate very well that. Except that, the day Wappler team with decide changes are needed on the educational and community management part : I will be the first one to come back… was hoping the changes in bubble to bring changes here too, but from what I can read, the same individuals are acting the same way… sad reality of a niche tool that could be a unicorn.

I’m sorry but a screenshot of a random username in a random Telegram group, saying random things is in no way a representative sample of our community. This could be any internet troll.

I’d kindly ask you to not create wrong impressions about our community or users, as our community is one of the friendliest and welcoming online communities i’m currently involved into.

Also, i’d like to ask you not to create wrong impressions about what our team thinks need to be changed or not, as you are probably one of the least involved (in this) users in this community and you are actually not aware of what we are working on, behind the scenes.

We communicate privately with a lot of users who have constructive feedback and give us great ideas.
Actually the Wappler philosophy is based on the community, our product is community driven, not Venture capital driven :slight_smile:



I have a lot of catching up to do as I was enjoying some earned beach time and beers! I am still banned in bubble forum since the announcement so no idea what’s going on there. But as I see that people are posting here I guess there was no backtraking.

@GlobaticoLabs why so serious? Chill! You seem to be blaming your shortcomings on the tool and the community. Maybe give it another try with a pair of fresh new eyes and with a different mentality?
For much less I was banned from Bubble’s forum.

Also, there are plenty of ex-Bubblers here with absolutely no technology knowledge that persevered and took their idea from nothing to product despite all the things you mention that the tool, the community, and the company lacks.

Rest of ex-Bubblers! Welcome! We are really looking forward to watching your progress and helping out where we can. It’s going to be a wild ride, but once you hear the click it’s going to blow your minds.

Cheers from an ex-Bubbler that saw the light in 2020 after 4 years! :beers:


I come from a no-code background and have been using Wappler for 8ish months. It is a bit hard to pick up at first, but I got everything I needed from Brian’s YouTube series, the docs, and the forum. I ran into problems along the way but every single one has been solved by members of the community. The whole Wappler forum is about helping each other, I put together a list of resources I wish I had when I was new to make it easier for new people, if you stick around with Wappler you could make some tutorials for everyone else.

It’s important to remember Wappler is labeled as low-code, not no-code so you need to know some coding basics. I see lots of people saying how Wappler is a great product with bad learning resources, but if the team spent all their time on resources, then the product wouldn’t be as good. If you spend some time to learn the basics of the tools Wappler uses, you can pick up everything else you need to learn along the way.

BTW, being rude to the long-time members and calling them boomers over and over is not going to do you any favors if you need help in the future.


Oh wow, I hadn’t found that resource guide yet. That’s amazing @Eric_F

@Hyperbytes Just got him some coffee, thanks for the tutorial

I must admit, the reviews are in and the verdict is clear. After a thorough evaluation of over 20 no-code/low-code solutions, I have chosen Wappler to be my development partner of choice.

I thank all who helped me with my inquiries and I am now ready for the exciting journey ahead. With all the information and tutorials at my fingertips, my journey of learning is set to begin. It’s time to embark on my no-code/low-code adventure with Wappler as my trusty guide, I’m sure I’ll reach my destination - creating remarkable web solutions. Here I go! Let the low-coding commence!


Gone is my ExBubbler identity, make way for Wappster - the low-code turbo-charged force to be reckoned with!


It’s so disheartening to see this and not be able to reply because I am banned:

For some reason people think that minification is some kind of obfuscation and that unminifying solves it all. Let me present you Mr. Sourcemap.

Second…they should see the amount of amends and hotfixes I have been able to write into Server connect core until an official fix/improvement was provided. Try that in Bubble.