Login page stopped working after update

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.18363
  • Wappler Version : 3.7.4

Problem description

login page stop working after last update, now I get a 500 server error. I have tried to make a new security provider, new login steps, and new loginpage as described by george here, but same error

Check the JSON file for the car/login action. It gets a parse error on that file.

What do I need to check? I know nothing about json, I live in the Microsoft universe :smile:
And also this is a new action, meaning the error is done by Wappler? Will it not do it again the next time I create an action? Seems like I get a lot of errors because I use asp.net, I’d switch to one of the other server technologies, but then 20 years of knowledge are wasted and I need to start from scratch

It is possible that just opening the action in Wappler and then resave it again fixes the problem.

To open the json in Wappler you can just click the Open in Editor in the Server Connect panel.


With asp.net the json file should be located in App_Data/ServerConnect/Api/car/login.json.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.6

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