Keyboard shortcut for 'putting' the current page/file

I have searched everywhere but cannot find it...
Is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to uploading (putting) the current file to the target server?

In dreamweaver I loved to be able to use Ctrl+Shift+U.

Now every time I have look up the current file in the file tree or pages.

Would be very helpfull...


Just saving the file should upload to the current target?

No it doesn't...
It saves it locally but not to my current target.

Is this something I did wrong in my target server settings?

You can set your usage to 'Development' if it is set to 'Production' you have to do a publish.

Keep in mind, it is not a good idea to change your production server to 'Development'. You should be using two targets. One for development and one for production. Never work directly on your production target.

Ah I see. Thanks @brad !
I have my development server locally and my live server is the production server.

So this does not work for me and this is more a workaround (in my case).
A simple upload current file is all I need.

Best practice is to do a full 'Publish' when uploading to Production. You don't even have to switch targets (saves you that step).

Maybe add a feature request for this (to add a keyboard shortcut).

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Yes, thats also a possibility. But that takes much too long.

For me often it's a small change I want to see/test. Just upload the current file. 1 sec, done.

I will file a request then if this is not possible.

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An 'Upload' option is available if you right-click a file. (I've used Wappler from the beginning and have never used the Publish button.)

(I've just noticed you're asking for a keyboard shortcut to upload individual files., so this reply is probably not helpful. However, it seems that you might not be aware that it is possible to upload individual files - albeit not with a shortcut - so I won't delete this reply.)

Hi @TomD, yes I am aware of that, and that's what I am doing now all the time.

But when I am editing an api file and a page and want to upload those I have to go back to the file explorer, find the right api file right click to upload, then go find the right page, right click and upload...

Now that might not sound like a lot, but if you have to do that about every 5 to 10 minutes, it gets very anoying. Also sometimes I thought I uploaded the right file but it wasn't. To dubble check I have to find them again.

Why not simply a short cut for the active file? The functionality exists because right clicking a file does the same...

I agree - I find this very frustrating too. I probably upload individual files 90% of the time.

There have been requests for a way to avoid the time-consuming steps you describe - eg here and here but, strangely, these attracted very few votes.