I do a lot of changes that I want to see online in seconds.
The only way that I know of to do this is to move out of the Page Code or Design View and over to the File navigation list and search down the long list of folders that might be open and files to get to the file I want to upload.
I often just want to save a change then RIGHT-CLICK in one of these 2 places –
In Design View Right-Click anywhere in the page and see “Upload” as the first option.
I agree this would not just be a great time-saver but would also stop the frequent inconvenience of having to navigate to file manager, away from wherever you are currently. It’s particularly inconvenient if you’re working on server connect files and want to upload a modified version of a file.
The same request was made a while ago - but for some reason wasn’t much voted for.
(I haven’t used Dreamweaver for a long time, but I’m pretty sure this was an option, though I think I used a shortcut key, which would be even more useful.)
This is of course a useful option for a development target. However, in other cases, I never want every change immediately uploaded; I want to control when changed files are uploaded. This is possible now but it could be much more convenient - by having a right-click upload option on the file tabs, avoiding the need to locate the file in file manage, having switched panels if necessary.
This comment and the whole request here means you are working directly on your live targets and it’s not a great idea to upload a file to the live target in order to test it.
It’s recommended that you have a development target to you work on. There the files are being pushed/uploaded to the specified server on save and after you test everything you just publish the files to the live target, where the need of this kind of “right click to upload” is not necessary.
Perhaps it could suggest that , but not in my case anyway.
That’s what I do - it’s on my local machine. When developing a site I’ll also upload to an online version - typically using a subdomain. The option requested here would be useful in the latter case. I do upload to live sites also (having tested any changes before uploading) - again the request would be relevant in such cases.
I often start an online development folder with a different name than the folder name that will be used when the application is “published”.
when all is good i ftp in and download a copy of all those files to an outside of wappler folder that is still accessible to my FTP.
And then rename test_app to the the folder name –