Export table to excel, csv, pdf like datatables.js

Still hoping


I used to use datatables.js but switched to SheetJS to avoid jQuery :wink:
Quite simple to implement : SheetJS - Home


BUMP! :tada:

Wow, never seen a feature request with 74 votes before!

My users are not tech savy, and would really appreciate export straight to .xls and .pdf.

@George, any ideas when we could expect this? :thinking:


What would be the difference between exporting as .xls compared to the .csv that we can do now? I have no problem opening them in Excel.

But exporting to PDF would rock!

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Agreed pdf export is much needed! But to @Antony point I think the issue with csv files is that not everyone has the level of technical knowledge - albeit minimum required - to understand what a csv file is never mind opening one or importing one.

In some instances I have had to talk clients through what is a csv file is, how you open in it and then when you have a common issue it can be like pulling teeth.

But @Antony might find this of use. If you can convert and stick them in a cloud storage to access it might be worth alleviating the headache.


You can just change the extension from .csv to .xls. Rather than output it as file.csv change it to file.xls (just replace the extension with .xls instead of .csv). Excel and LibreOffice will both open it without issue. Go ahead and try it for yourself.


No sure what version you are using?

“The file format and extension of ’Sitelink asset report.xls’ don’t match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe. Unless you trust its source, don’t open it. Do you want to open it anyway?”

Not a a message a user would open. It is far better to do a proper conversion.

Ahhhhh, MAC issues. Bummer.

Definitely. BUT for Windows and Linux not an issue.

Wappler 5.3.2.

Checkout DevExtreme Data Grid. I just implemented a pdf export in about 3 minutes…


There’s an Excel exporter as well which I assume would be similarly easy to implement - https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/DataGrid/ExcelJSOverview/jQuery/Light/


Wow, nice grid! Would love Wappler to be able to do that.

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I posted a tutorial for it a few days ago - Editable Grid with DevExtreme Data Grid Tutorial

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Yes that is true @Cheese… but a mobile phone number may come through as a number type without a leading zero for example… it is much better to have control of the csv to xls process!

76 votes as of now, the most I’ve seen for anything - will there be any chance of this being implemented into Wappler? I’ve used DataTables a number of times but it would be far better to have a Wappler native component, especially given how popular this request seems to be.

Hello, this is not in our top priority list at the moment.

Thanks for the heads up @Teodor I know you and the team are busy but this info is helpful, so, it’s back to Datatables for me then!

Bump with 77 votes

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Bump reached 80 votes

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It’s the second-highest feature requested, and still no update.


So happy we now have this in Wappler - Woo hoo …!!

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We’ve integrated a client-side App Connect PDF Creator component in Wappler 6.3.0
Please check it and let us know what do you think: Using App Connect PDF Creator

Note that more options will be coming to it in the next updates!

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