Export in PDF from Asp.net

I have a dynamic table, generated by a simple query in ASP.net . I should generate a simple PDF of that table. Here I read tutorials where people only talk about PHP or expensive plugins.
Is there anyone who can recommend something to me to do, if possible in a free way? Thank you

I only have experience with creating pdf’s in both php and nodejs. But maybe you can use something like

You could also try this nocodeapi option:

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I’m sorry, I couldn’t do it with the links you gave me.
In the end I made a separate query with the old Dreamweaver and the “Universal Data Exporter” extension that I had already purchased a few years ago.
Then from the new ASP.net page I put a button that invokes the ASP page and starts generating the PDF.

I know it’s a little weird, but it works perfectly. I would like to find something equally simple in ASP.net that does not require a monthly or annual subscription.

If you want to export a table which is rendered on your page, you can use some libraries like https://github.com/parallax/jsPDF - it’s quite easy to use.

We’ve integrated a client-side App Connect PDF Creator component in Wappler 6.3.0
Please check it and let us know what do you think: Using App Connect PDF Creator

Note that more options will be coming to it in the next updates!

I’ve tried the Wappler new version but… I select “coloumn” and then “Convert To” menu, but I don’t see anithyng about PDF

Well you need to be on the Beta extensions channel to be able to use the new PDF component.

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