DOCKER: Recreating DB error - App crashed


My app crashed…When deploying I got:

Recreating 18c488c66c89_webapp__newproductionserver_db_1 ... error
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field LogConfig.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config of type string
Already restarted the container…I can connect on PGAdmin after run systemctl restart docker, when deploy I can’t connect anymore.

The same is happening on dev enviroment, seems like the deployment downloaded a new version of Postgres image and the problem is on the Wappler deployment.

I re-saved the project options (as mentioned here: Cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field LogConfig.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config of type string) but not working.

Please, help!

@psweb answer solved:

I managed to fix it by going into my project settings and changing Logging Max Files to 1 instead of 5 under the DATABASE section, however then I received almost the identical error but for the _web container which was previously working fine. I went back to project settings again and changed Logging Max Files to 1 instead of 5 but this time under the WEB section, saved and deployed and all is working again, both containers being created perfectly as before.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.4.3