Cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field LogConfig.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config of type string

Wappler M1 Mac 4.4.2

Was working along fine in 4.4.2 until I went to my project settings and switched from CDN versions of Bootstrap 5, Fontawesome and Bootstrap Icons to the local versions.

I hit save, and deployed as I have been doing on this project hundreds of times, to my Wappler created Digital Ocean Docker Machine.
The logs start running, the _web container builds with success, then it starts trying to build the _db container and it starts giving errors

Successfully built b3b14043116f
Successfully tagged paulsite__paulsite_web:latest

Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
Recreating 973782c8312a_paulsite__paulsite_db_1 ... error

ERROR: for 973782c8312a_paulsite__paulsite_db_1  Cannot create container for service db: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field LogConfig.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config of type string

ERROR: for db  Cannot create container for service db: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field LogConfig.HostConfig.LogConfig.Config of type string
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Error Launching Services!

Anyone got any ideas?

I managed to fix it by going into my project settings and changing
Logging Max Files to 1 instead of 5 under the DATABASE section, however then I received almost the identical error but for the _web container which was previously working fine. I went back to project settings again and changed
Logging Max Files to 1 instead of 5 but this time under the WEB section, saved and deployed and all is working again, both containers being created perfectly as before.

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Try just re-saving the project options.

Seems docker is a bit picky to have all options as string instead numbers


@psweb thanks! you saved me!

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.4.3

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