Bug Report from djeorges #2020-10-13_15-29-22

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.19041
  • Wappler Version : 3.5.2

Problem description

I get a error when loading page, exactly when running the only flow inside (no error when deleting the flow). It’s not a new flow, it was working before this wappler update or a previous one, cannot say which one.

Here under the code of the flow

    <script is="dmx-flow" id="loadUserPrefs" type="text/dmx-flow" autorun>[


        run: {action: "{{dataUserPrefs.clear()}}"}



        serverConnect: {url: "dmxConnect/api/Users/getUserPref.php", name: "sc1"}



        repeat: {

          repeat: "{{sc1.data.getsetting}}",

          outputFields: [],

          exec: {

            steps: {

              run: {action: "{{dataUserPrefs.insert({code: code, value: value})}}"}



          name: "repeat1",

          output: true




Everything seems correct in the code…cannot figure out what is the problem.

Thnak’s for your help.

report_2020-10-13_15-29-22.zip (155.6 KB)

probably fixed in the just released Wappler 3.5.3

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