in expressions display

Thank’s George. I installed the new version but error remained. I have edited the flow by reselecting the first part of the flow (clear datastore) and now it works.
But i’ve noticed this:

What is this   inside the action label. Cannot get rid of this, however it works !

ah seems forgot to clean up the display - happily it is a display only thing.

Will fix it in the next update

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Yes, I just discovered the same problem using the dateformater (client side).

seems like a bigger issue than I thought - will issue an emergency fix asap

I have found that when you enter clean code into App Connect you end up with this:

Hopefully this relevant and is helpful.

Fixed in the just released Wappler 3.5.4

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Thank you @George!

I don’t mean to be a thorn in your side, but this is how my code is now appearing:

dmx-on:changed=“run([{condition:{if:(modal_Patient.formPatientEncounter.selectmodalPatientStatus.value == \'reassigned\'),then:{steps:[{run:{action:encounter_update.load({encounter_id:, encounter_status: modal_Patient.formPatientEncounter.selectmodalPatientStatus.value})}},{run:{action:modal_Patient.hide();}}]}}},{condition:{if:(modal_Patient.formPatientEncounter.selectmodalPatientStatus.value == (\'check in\' || \'delivered\')),then:{steps:[{run:{action:encounter_update.load({encounter_id:, encounter_status: modal_Patient.formPatientEncounter.selectmodalPatientStatus.value, copay_due:});update_patient_balance.load({patient_id:})}},{run:{action:notifies1.success(\'Copay applied\')}}]}}}])”

Notice all the instances where:
value = \'parameter\'
Is occurring?

Within Data Bindings it appears without the slashes:

Is this expected?

This is a different issue with inline flows. If you have troubles with them post a new topic